Even though moving to a brand new area is always a little scary-- especially if you don't have family in the area, I'm excited for the new adventure! And I must say- I love Sacramento. My first impressions have been great. The area is BEAUTIFUL!!! Most of the people I've met here have grown up in the area and haven't really lived anywhere else. I just want to ask them, "do you know what you have here??" As a southwest girl who grew up in Arizona and has lived in Utah and Las Vegas I am SO EXCITED for finally being out of the desert. I mean I live in a city who's slogan is "the city of trees." LOVE IT! We have a real backyard with beautiful trees. We were also very fortunate to get our kids into one of the top schools in Sacramento. Plus, the people here are just so super friendly! Our neighbor sent out an email to the other neighbors welcoming us, and people wave as we drive down the street.
On the first day of school I got invited by a couple of other parents to go walking, and at my first day at church another couple invited us over for dinner. We clicked so well with them that we stayed for a few hours. I'm just so in love with this area.
And of course, I'm ecstatic about the opportunity to build my business in a brand new area where Heritage Makers is virtually UNKNOWN! (Can you believe it?!) I've already booked a workshop with another parent at school and have 2-3 others that would like to book their own workshops. And with our recurring volume that comes with Club HM, our business opportunity has never been better.
If you have friends in the Sacramento area... make sure to direct them to my blog. I'd love to share the joy of Heritage Makers will all of northern cali!
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